Sanipack – Macerator Pump for Modern Bathrooms!

The ideal solution for discreet and efficient wastewater disposal in modern bathrooms. The Sanipack pump is designed to blend in with fitted bathroom furniture and wall-hung sanitaryware, providing a sleek and minimalistic aesthetic. Due to its slim and floor-standing design, it can be easily installed in tight places without the need for core cutting or digging a pit. The Sanipack pump effortlessly lifts wastewater vertically up to 5 m from various bathroom fixtures such as a WC, washbasin, bidet, and shower, making it an adaptable option for complete shower room installations.

Key Advantages:

  1. No digging or core cutting required
  2. Ideal for wall-hung WC
  3. Discharge height: 5 m
  4. Discharge pipe: 22/28/32 mm
  5. French technology
  6. Can be connected to a WC, washbasin, and shower


Check out this video to learn how a Saniflo macerator pump works. Get detailed information on how maceration happens, which leads to the pumping of waste and then disposal.

Established in 1958, the SFA factory in Bregy, France stands as a testament to decades of manufacturing excellence. Spanning over a vast 20-acre site, this facility serves as a global production hub for the company.


Checkout our technical brochure to discover our wide range of pumps and their technical details like pumping capability, discharge pipe, inlet connections, etc.

Download the technical sheet to learn the important specifications and details about our pump. Know important information such as dimensions, performance, connections, etc.

Check out the detailed instructions on how to properly install and set up our pump. Read the manual to ensure proper installation and longevity of the product.


Improving Bathroom Space: Installing Sanipack for Fitted Bathrooms

Want to add an additional bathroom but have limited space? Don’t worry, the Sanipack macerator pump has you covered with its innovative and space-saving solution, which is perfect for fitted bathroom units.

Efficient Bathroom Solutions: The Role of Macerator Pumps

Discover the important role of macerator pumps (Sanipack and Sanipro XR), convenient bathroom solutions by SFA India that help in discharging wastewater efficiently from washrooms and full bathrooms.


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