Design and production:
This online store was created using PrestaShop software. Visit the PrestaShop e-commerce blog to stay up-to-date with the latest news and advice on online sales and e-commerce website management.
The SFA website was designed and produced by the Evolutive Group web agency.
The website is published by:
41 bis Avenue Bosquet
75007 Paris, France
Tel: 01 44 82 39 00
Fax 01 44 82 39 01
S.A. with a capital of €7 500 000
Paris RCS # B 409 966 645
Name of the publication director: Marketing department
The information recorded on this site is reserved for use by SFA and its subsidiaries and can only be communicated to the following recipients: companies in the SFA Group.
These legal notices are regulated by Act no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on Information Technology, Data Files and Civil Liberties, and Act no. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on Confidence in Digital Economy.
The Site as a whole and the elements that make it up (including text, sitemaps, software, animations, photographs, videos, illustrations, diagrams, graphic representations, logos, visuals, etc.) constitute Intellectual Property rights (trademarks, intellectual works, patents, models, etc.) protected by the Intellectual Property Code.
The Site and the elements that make it up are the exclusive property of SFA, the only entity authorized to use the intellectual property rights and related personality rights, including brands, models, patents, intellectual works, software, databases, interpretations, images of persons (original or licensed, or with express authorization).
The use of all or part of the Site, including downloading, reproduction, transmission, representation, or dissemination for purposes other than for personal and private use for a non-commercial purpose of the user is strictly prohibited. Violation of SFA’s rights shall expose the violating individual to the sanctions provided under both the French Code of Intellectual Property, including for infringement of copyright (Article L335-1 et seq.), trademarks (Article L716-1 et seq.), models (Article L521-1 et seq.), and patents (Article L615-1 et seq.) and the French Civil Code regarding civil liability (Article 9, Article 1382 et seq.).
The links on this site may direct the user to external sites. The user accesses these sites at his or her own risk. The SFA website team shall not be in any way liable for this access or the contents of external sites.
In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, you can make a request to access, modify, or delete personal data on the Contact page, or you can consult the “Cookies and personal data” page to learn more.