Elevating Efficiency – A success story: Buffet Hut's Success with Sanispeed Grey Water Pump

Case studies 03/21/2024

Elevating Efficiency – A success story: Buffet Hut's Success with Sanispeed Grey Water Pump


In the bustling world of the restaurant industry, challenges often arise in the most unexpected places. For Buffet Hut, a local restaurant with a unique layout predicament, the obstacle was wastewater disposal. This case study delves into the innovative solution provided by the installation of a Sanispeed grey water pump from SFA India, highlighting its features and benefits that turned this challenge into an opportunity for enhanced efficiency.

The Challenge:

Buffet Hut's establishment featured a distinctive layout – a dining area on the first floor and a bustling kitchen in the basement. However, the challenge emerged from the inconvenient placement of the sewage point on the upper floor, requiring an effective solution to lift wastewater from the basement kitchen to the upper floor for proper disposal.

The Solution:

To address Buffet Hut's wastewater disposal dilemma, we proposed the installation of the Sanispeed grey water pump from SFA India. This robust solution was strategically connected to the kitchen sink, working in tandem with a grease separator to efficiently transport food waste from large utensils to the sewage point on the upper floor.


Features and Benefits of Sanispeed:

Powerful Pumping Capability:

The Sanispeed drainage pump from SFA India boasts a powerful motor capable of lifting and pumping wastewater vertically, making it ideal for Buffet Hut's multi-level setup. It has a robust motor capacity of 400W and can pump wastewater up to 7 m vertically or 70 m horizontally.

Compact Design: Its compact and sleek design allowed for easy integration into the existing kitchen infrastructure without occupying excessive space. It can fit below counters or kitchen sink or in cupboards to easily hide the unit from sight not hampering the visual aesthetic of any room.

Quiet Operation: Despite its robust performance, the Sanispeed operates quietly with a low noise level of 42 dB(A), ensuring a peaceful kitchen environment without unnecessary noise disruptions.

Versatility: The Sanispeed kitchen sink pump can take wastewater from a sink, dishwasher, coffee machine, and washing machine, all in one unit. This is of immense importance in the hospitality industry, where time is of the essence. The pump is designed to handle a variety of wastewater types, including soapy water and food particles, making it a versatile solution for a restaurant setting. It discharges wastewater through a 32-mm pipe and operates on a temperature of 35ºC. It can also handle temperatures of up to 75ºC for short bursts of time.

Easy Maintenance: The Sanispeed under sink pump is engineered for easy maintenance, minimizing downtime and ensuring Buffet Hut's kitchen operations run smoothly. Its easily removable covers allow servicing and maintenance of the motor without having to remove the unit. It is also easy to maintain and can be installed in one go.

Reliability: With a track record of reliability, the Sanispeed under sink pump ensures consistent performance, crucial for a restaurant that operates daily. The best part is that you can install an added alarm called the Sanialarm for added security.



In conclusion, the implementation of the Sanispeed drainage pump proved to be a game-changer for Buffet Hut. The unique challenges posed by their establishment's layout were effectively addressed, providing a reliable and efficient solution for wastewater disposal. The features and benefits of the Sanispeed kitchen sink pump not only resolved the immediate challenge but also added value to Buffet Hut's kitchen operations.

The success story of Buffet Hut and the Sanispeed grey water pump from SFA India serves as a testament to the importance of tailored solutions in the restaurant industry. As establishments continue to face diverse challenges, innovative technologies like the Sanispeed offer a way to overcome them, ensuring seamless operations and enhanced efficiency.


The Takeaway:

By investing in solutions that align with the specific needs of a restaurant, such as the Sanispeed drainage pump, establishments can optimize their processes, elevate customer experiences, and ultimately thrive in a competitive culinary landscape. Buffet Hut's journey showcases the transformative power of strategic solutions in turning challenges into triumphs. Explore the Sanispeed and other revolutionary products from SFA India today! 

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